From the course: Cert Prep: VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DBT)

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Introduction to virtualization

Introduction to virtualization

- [Instructor] In this video, I'll provide you with an introduction to virtualization. Where will learn many the basic concepts of what a Virtual Machine is, what a hypervisor is, and how we can provide resources to our Virtual Machines that are actually the shared physical resources of an ESXi host. So what is a Virtual Machine? Well, it's very similar to a physical server. You have a operating system and the operating system has no idea that it's going to be running on a Virtual Machine. So, if I have Windows or Linux running on my VM, that operating system is called the guest operating system and it has no awareness that it's running as a VM. Now a Virtual Machine does not have its own dedicated hardware, but like I said, the guest operating system doesn't know that. So a Virtual Machine will run on a physical server with many other Virtual Machines. They'll share the physical resources of the host. And this is the first big benefit of virtualization. We can run many machines on…
