From the course: Cert Prep: VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DBT)

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Introduction to Horizon 7

Introduction to Horizon 7

- [Rick] In this video, I'll introduce you to VMware Horizon and how it can be used to accomplish desktop virtualization. A traditional physical desktop deployment comes with some significant challenges. We've got physical computers deployed for each and every one of our employees. Managing that many individual systems can really create some hardships like how do I manage my image for all of these physical desktops, how do I change that image when I need to, how do I deploy new software easily, how do I deploy an upgraded operating system easily, how often do I need to actually replace all of those desktops, and what are the challenges that my staff faces when one of those physical desktops has a problem. Are we frequently deleting user profiles? Are we frequently sending staff out to replace physical desktops? Horizon can help eliminate many of those challenges by giving us a desktop virtualization solution. Rather than having a physical desktop at everybody's desk, what we'll have…
