From the course: Cert Prep: VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DBT)

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Horizon 7 products and features

Horizon 7 products and features

- [Rick] In this video, we'll learn about the different products that are included in the Horizon Suite and we'll start with Horizon View. Horizon View as we learned in the last lesson is VMware's desktop virtualization solution. It supports this just in time management platform including features like instant clones where virtual desktops can be created within three to five seconds. App volumes, so that applications can be assigned to your virtual desktop as you log in based on your Active Directory Security Group membership. And also User Environment Manager which allows us to manage user personas to make sure that things like the user's desktop experience, their favorites, their My Documents folder are all provided to them at the time that they log in. Now beyond View and desktop virtualization, there are some other products in the Horizon Suite that you should be familiar with. So let's start with Workspace ONE. Horizon Workspace ONE is used to manage applications on tablets…
