From the course: vSphere 6.7 Foundations: Configuration and Installation

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Demo: vSphere license editions

Demo: vSphere license editions

- [Rick] In this video, I'll explain the different licensing editions available in vSphere 6.7 . And I'm starting here at the VMWare vSphere product page. So this is a great resource for everything vSphere. If you want to understand what resources are available to me, like for examples data sheets and documents. I can find all of that stuff here. If you want to look at pricing, I can find pricing information here. If I want to look at things like use cases, I can find those here. But what I'm really concerned with for this video is the comparison of the different licensing editions are you're going to notice that some things have significantly changed in 6.7. So here we see the vSphere Standard License Edition and that's kind of like our baseline licensing edition for vSphere. Then in the middle, we see have vSphere Enterprise Plus, which definitely is going to include a lot of features that vSphere Standard does not…
