From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training Part 2

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Demo: Troubleshoot common installation issues

Demo: Troubleshoot common installation issues - vSphere Tutorial

From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training Part 2

Demo: Troubleshoot common installation issues

- [Instructor] In this video, I'll demonstrate some common troubleshooting steps for storage related to an ESXi Host. So I'm going to click on my first host here and we can look at the Summary tab and get a quick summary of the ESXi Host including the storage capacity and how much is actually used. And from there we're actually gonna go to the Configure screen. At at the Configure screen, we've gotta bunch of options here under storage. So let's start with our first option. So here we see multiple storage adapters. Some of these are probably for my local storage devices. I've got local hard disks that are part of this ESXi Host. So that's probably what some of my hbas are automatically. As a matter of fact, only one of these hbas was actually created by me. I set up a software ISCSI initiator. And so the purpose of the software ISCSI initiator is to allow my ESXi Host to communicate with ISCSI storage writer. And if we look at the properties of the storage adapter, you can see here…
