From the course: Cert Prep: VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DBT)

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CPU virtualization

CPU virtualization

- [Instructor] And one of the most important resources that's shared across virtual machines are my CPUs. So in this slide, we see an ESXi host and this ESXi hos has four physical CPUs. Let's assume that those are four processor cores on the same socket. So we've got a situation in which we've got four processor cores and we've got a lot of virtual machines here. So we've got these 12 virtual machines that are sharing four physical processor cores. This is called oversubscription. We may only need four processor cores to meet the requirements of 12 virtual machines because odds are, all of my VMs are not going to be consuming as much CPU as they possibly can at all times. That's what the concept of oversubscription is all about and that's how we efficiently utilize the resources of our ESXi host. Think about it this way. Let's say that we have a restaurant and we know that we're going to have a certain number of people that visit our restaurant everyday. So maybe for example, we'll…
