From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Work with photo extensions in iOS

Work with photo extensions in iOS - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Work with photo extensions in iOS

- [Sean] Hi, I'm Sean Duggan and on this episode of Mobile Photography Weekly, we're gonna take a look at the Photo Extensions feature in iOS. This allows you to access third-party apps from directly within the Edit section of the Photos app. So in a previous episode, I was working with the TinType app by Hipstamatic, and I ran into a problem because I couldn't access images that were stored in one of my albums. And because the image that I wanted to access was much older, I also couldn't find it easily in TinType because TinType organizes images based on the way that they are presented in the Moments screen of the Photos app. So the picture in question was this one here of this man with the mutton-chop whiskers, and this picture was taken about a year and a half ago, and if I go into Photos, you can see it doesn't show up there at all because of course, Photos organizes by date. And in order to find it here in Photos or in the Moments screen of Photos, I'd have to scroll back quite a…
