From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Combine color with black and white

Combine color with black and white - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Combine color with black and white

- Hey everybody. Sean Duggan here, and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly, we're going to explore some creative image processing and take a look at a couple of ways that you can combine color with black and white. Now as is usually the case with apps, there are a variety of ways that one might approach this. We're going to be using the apps Snapseed and Colorblast. Let's start off with Snapseed. I already have an image loaded here. Snapseed is available for both Android and iOS and definitely one of the most useful photo processing apps you can have on your mobile device. So the first thing that I'm going to do, is I want to pump up the saturation in the image because my goal for this scene is to have just that avenue and the bridge and sky in the background in color and the rest of the image, the kind of canyon walls of buildings in black and white. So first I'm going to pump up the color saturation to make the red taillights look a lot more bright and colorful. So I'll tap on…
