From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Viewing and editing camera phone metadata

Viewing and editing camera phone metadata - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Viewing and editing camera phone metadata

- Hey there, Sean here and in this movie I wanna talk about an important topic but a topic that sometimes is overlooked a lot and that is metadata. Metadata is information about your photograph. Now that information can come in the form of Exif metadata and Exif metadata is the information that your camera saves into the file such as exposure information, ISO, after shutter speed, the date and time stamp, GPS information, things like that. You don't even see this metadata at all but it's there and sometimes it's very useful to be able to take a look at it. So we're gonna take a look at the Exif metadata and I'm also gonna show you an app that allows you to edit the IPTC metadata. So this is user generated metadata that you might want to add to a photograph, things such as your copyright notice, by copyright notice what I'm referring to is not a visible watermark necessarily but the ability to just have a copyright notice embedded in the image, your contact information, website, rights…
