From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Use Dark Mode in macOS Mojave

Use Dark Mode in macOS Mojave

- [Garrick] Hi, I'm Garrick Chow and welcome to Monday productivity pointers. If you've updated your Mac to Mac OS 10.14, known as Mojave, you have a new system feature called dark mode. Dark mode is intended for people who work with their Macs at night, or in darker rooms, where the usual white and bright colors of the operating system can be hard on the eyes after awhile. Dark mode turns most of the screen primarily dark. Now it doesn't dim the screen, so you won't lose clarity on your monitor, it just makes the majority of colors on screen a darker theme, which can make it easier to continue working on your Mac for extended periods of time. You'll have to determine for yourself whether you like it or not. To enable dark mode, go to System Preferences, into the General category, and here at the top, just switch the appearance to dark. As you can see, that's all there is to it. All of the Mac's built-in apps, like System preferences here, or Calendar, or Safari, or iTunes, all…
