From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Take a picture of an entire webpage on Mac or Windows

Take a picture of an entire webpage on Mac or Windows

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Take a picture of an entire webpage on Mac or Windows

- [Instructor] If you're following the new features added to iPhones and iPads in 2019, you may have seen a nice feature that lets you take a picture of an entire webpage all at once, even if it's too long to fit on the screen. In this week's Monday productivity pointers, I want to show you how you can use some free utilities to do the same thing on Mac or Windows. We'll start here on Windows, where I've got this webpage open. Now, I could use the built-in screen snip feature to capture a picture of a window, but you can see that this webpage is pretty long. I want a picture of the whole thing. Maybe you're dealing with a receipt for an online purchase, a show ticket you bought online. There's lots of places where you might need a full picture of the entire long page, without breaks in it. So there is a browser plugin called Nimbus Screen Capture. I'm going to go over to the Windows App Store. I'll just do a quick search here…
