From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Safely clearing drive space in Windows

Safely clearing drive space in Windows

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Safely clearing drive space in Windows

- [Instructor] In this week's Monday Productivity Pointers, I wanna talk about what you can do to free up storage space in Windows 10 when your hard drive is getting close to full. Of course, the easy solution, if you're running out of storage space, is that you should delete some files. Naturally, there are important files and documents that you don't want to delete, but, chances are, there's probably something taking up space on your storage drive that you don't need. So let's see how we can identify stuff like that. We'll start with a little application called Disk Cleanup, which you can find by going to the Start menu, down to this folder called Windows Administrative Tools, and then we can launch Disk Cleanup from there. Now, this is available in all versions of Windows 10, but there's also a new feature that was added in the major update to Windows 10 in April 2018. To get to that tool, we can go into Settings. So in the Start menu, I'll go to Settings, then I'll go to System…
