From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Quiet notifications on iOS devices

Quiet notifications on iOS devices

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Quiet notifications on iOS devices

- [Derek] Hi, I'm Derek Chow and this is Monday Productivity Pointers. This week I'd like to take a look at a feature of iOS that was introduced with iOS 12 for making it easier to manage the slew of notifications you receive everyday from the various apps installed on your device. Now, we've been able to customize notifications to some extent for many years now, but there are probably several apps on your iPhone or iPad that pop up lots of notifications that you've never gotten around to digging into the settings to change or maybe there are certain apps that you want to temporarily change the notification settings for. Whatever the case, in iOS 12 when you see a notification on your lock screen or when you swipe down to Notification Center, you can swipe these notifications to the left to reveal these buttons and you can see we have this Manage button. That pops up this screen with what are called the Instant Tune options. The first one here is Deliver Quietly. If you select that…
