From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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OneTab plugin for browsers

OneTab plugin for browsers

- Hi I'm Garrick Chow and welcome to Monday Productivity Pointers. Over the course of any given day, you web browser may starting looking like mine here. I have over a dozen tabs open in a single window. And while tabs are a great way to switch between multiple websites within a single window, this can start to look really cluttered. And having lots of tabs open can actually use up a significant amount of your system memory, especially if you're running multiple windows on top of this. I do actually have another window open here with more tabs open in it. So today I wanna take a look at a free extension that's available for Chrome and Firefox called OneTab. And what it does is instantly take all of your open tabs and converts them to a single page containing links to all of the pages you had open. You can see here that they claim that doing so could save up to 95% of your memory. If you wanna try this extension out, just go to and install the Chrome or Firefox version…
