From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Manage Quick Access folders in File Explorer in Windows

Manage Quick Access folders in File Explorer in Windows

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Manage Quick Access folders in File Explorer in Windows

- [Instructor] In this week's Monday Productivity Pointers, I want to talk about Quick Access folders in File Explorer in Windows. We can see these by going into File Explorer and on the left side, I want to look at this section labeled Quick Access. You can click on the arrow next to it to open or close that, and here I have shortcuts to my downloads folder, my documents folder, my pictures folder, and so on, so I can open File Explorer, click on one of these, and go straight to the contents of that folder. Really handy shortcuts to folders that I use often, but there's also a shortcut here on my computer called client files. Now how did that get there? Well, there are two possibilities. First, you can add folders manually. Just locate any folder you want in File Explorer, right-click on it and choose Pin to Quick Access, and now I have a shortcut to that folder over here on the left side, and later if you want to…
