From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Launch the Settings app

Launch the Settings app

- [Instructor] In a previous tip, you saw how to add a settings bundle. We had to go to the settings bundle by launching the application manually. This week, I'll show the really short way to launch the Settings app in a simple application. Download the starter file, which is a modified version of the Settings Bundle exercise. I added an extra button on the bottom here, which I'll use to launch the app settings. And if you're getting this blue business here, you can just go to Assets, hit the Pizza, and go back, and you'll see that it's really there. I'll head over to the View Controller here, and you'll see I've set up launchSettings as an action already. But underneath that and between it and viewDidLoad, I'm going to make a new function called settingsLaunch. Now there's two things we're going to need here, and you can launch any app using the open method of UIApplication, but that's going to need a URL. So what I'm going to do first is I'm going to do if let appSettingsURL equals…
