From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Keyboard shortcuts for Xcode 11

Keyboard shortcuts for Xcode 11

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Keyboard shortcuts for Xcode 11

- [Steven] Some people love the point and click of a mouse. Some are keyboard jockeys. A good mix of both makes for the best Xcode 11 workflow. This week, let me show you some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts for quick arrangement of your Xcode environment. Now I've downloaded a project from the exercise files to help with this. Most of my hitters are hide and show commands. Now to show you some of the show ones, let's do a hide first, and then kind of come back to these later. But I have the extra inspector here, so I'm just going to close that one up to start with, so we can get a good, clean page to show you some of these. First one I want to show you is command + option + return, and that opens a preview. The preview will open both in SwiftUI and in Playgrounds, and in the storyboard like we got here. And you can toggle with this too, so as long as you command + option + down, you can get rid of it too. Another…
