From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Explore factors that affect speed on macOS

Explore factors that affect speed on macOS

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Explore factors that affect speed on macOS

- [Instructor] Over time, you may notice that your computer might start to run more slowly. I recently addressed this topic in Monday Productivity Pointers for Windows users, but this week, I want to talk about this for Mac users. So, the question is, why is my computer running slowly, and is there anything I can do about it? In macOS, I want to go to the system menu. I can just click on the Apple button up in the top left corner, and I'll go to About This Mac. In the Overview tab, we can see just some general technical specifications on your computer. Now, it's difficult to summarize all of the variables here, but the three factors I want to talk about are the processor, also known as the CPU, the memory, which is also known as RAM, and your storage drive, which is a different thing from memory. Now, the processor speed affects how efficiently your computer can run individual tasks. To overly simplify this, if you only ever run…
