From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Disable in-app rating requests in iOS apps

Disable in-app rating requests in iOS apps

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Disable in-app rating requests in iOS apps

- Hi, and welcome to Monday Productivity Pointers. I'm Garrick Chow here with a quick and useful tip this week. Have you ever noticed that certain apps on your iPhone or iPad seem to be very needy and are constantly asking you how you like them or to give them a rating on the app store? It can be kind of disruptive, especially if these are apps that you rely on for work. Well, there's a quick way to silence these rating requests. Just go into settings, find iTunes and app store and in here turn off the switch for in-app ratings and reviews. And with that disabled, you'll no longer be interrupted by any app bugging you to leave a review for them on the app store. Now of course if you do have certain apps that you love and are important or useful to you, consider leaving a star rating or positive review for that app on the app store. It can really help the developer and make it easier for them to continue supporting and…
