From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Delay delivery of your emails in Outlook

Delay delivery of your emails in Outlook

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Delay delivery of your emails in Outlook

- [Jess] My name is Jess Stratton, and welcome to Monday Productivity Pointers. I have an email open in Outlook. Outlook gives you a number of options for this message. Some you can see right on the ribbon tab. For example, you can attach a file, a signature, add a follow up to it, and even send it along with a red exclamation mark by clicking high importance. There are some other options with this email, and they're buried in the options ribbon tab. From here, you can do fun things like changing the page color. This is useful if you're making, say an invitation to a party, and you just wanted to add a little bit of life to your email. Here is where you can add the BCC field to the email if you need it, and you can't see it. You can include fun voting buttons. This is a great way to get company feedback very easily. And you can also request tracking receipts for the email. I'm interested in this delay delivery button. You can choose a specific date and time that the message will be…
