From the course: iPhone and iPad Photography with iOS 14

Create shared albums with iCloud - iOS Tutorial

From the course: iPhone and iPad Photography with iOS 14

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Create shared albums with iCloud

- [Narrator] A cool feature of the photos app is that you can create albums that you can share with other people directly from your iOS device using iCloud. Let's take a look at how this works. To set up a shared album on your iPhone or your iPad, go into the settings, swipe up until you find the settings for the photos app, and then make sure that shared albums is turned on. You can also find the same setting in the iCloud settings under photos. I'll open up the photos app and here on the main album screen, I'm going to tap on the plus button in the upper left that will allow me to create a new album. And one of the choices in there is new shared album. So here, you would give a name to the album, and on the next screen, you would add the email addresses of the people you wanted to share it with. I'm actually going to show you a different way to create an album, so I'm going to cancel out of that and tap the albums back button to get back to the main album screen here. So when I share an album, I often gather the photos into a regular album first. So I'll open up that album and I'll tap select in the upper right and then in the upper left, I'll choose select all, and this selects all of the photos in that album. Then, I'll tap the share button in the lower left and I'll scroll up so I can reveal the menu. And near the top there is the choice add to shared album. I'll choose that. Next, I need to specify where I want them to be shared because the default behavior is to choose the most recent album that you shared to. So down at the bottom here where it says shared album, you can see it says our trip to Montreal. I'll tap on that. And now, I can choose from other albums that I've shared or I can tap the plus symbol to create a new shared album and that's what I'll do. I'll give it a title. I'll tap the next button and here's where you can add the email addresses of who you want to share it with. If you want to access your contacts list, just tap the plus symbol or you can just enter in an email address, then tap next. And if you want, you can add a comment to describe the album and now, I'll tap post. Anyone I have shared this album with will either receive an email, asking if they want to subscribe to the album, or if they already have an iCloud account, they'll receive a notice on their iPhone and an activity badge will appear on the icon for the photos app on their iOS device. And you can see that showing up here on my other iPhone that is logged in to the iCloud account that I sent the invite to. I'll tap the icon for the photos app and in the for you section, the invitation for the shared album request just arrived. I'll tap accept for that. And the photo starts streaming in. Of course, in order for this to happen on their end, they also need to have shared albums enabled on their devices. The shared album will be visible on their devices in the shared albums section of the main album screen and also in the for you section. And they can comment on photos or they can add their own images to the album. So let's add a comment to this photo. And I'll tap send to add the comment to the photo. Back on the iPhone where I created the shared album, there's a new activity badge on the for you icon. And if I tap on that, I can see the new comment showing up under recent activity. Now, one thing to know about a shared album is that if you want to ensure that you have a copy of a shared image that did not originate on your device, you will need to save it. So tap on it to show it larger and then tap the share icon in the lower left. Swipe up to reveal the menu and midway down, you'll see the choice for save image. The photo will be saved to your device and you'll have a copy, even if the shared album is later removed. There are some other settings and options to explore about managing shared albums and we'll continue with that in the next movie.
