From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Create a password-protected .zip file on Windows

Create a password-protected .zip file on Windows

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Create a password-protected .zip file on Windows

- [Garrick] Hi, I'm Garrick Chow, and welcome to Monday Productivity Pointers. Windows 10 has the built-in ability to compress files as zip files. It's a simple matter of selecting the files or folders you want to compress, right-clicking them, and then choosing Send To: Compressed Folder. And just like that, I have a zip file. A compressed file is often smaller than the combined size of the files, and it gives you the advantage of being able to share just a single file with others, which they can then un-compress to access the individual files. Both Macs and Windows can natively un-compress zip files created this way. But sometimes the information or files you're sharing may be of a sensitive or confidential nature and you might want to protect the zip file from being opened by anyone who happens to come across a copy of it. In a previous episode, I took a look at how to create a password-protected zip file on a Mac by using the built-in terminal command line utility and typing in a…
