From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Create a password-protected .zip file on Mac

Create a password-protected .zip file on Mac

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Create a password-protected .zip file on Mac

- [Speaker] Hi I'm Derek Chow and welcome to Monday productivity pointers. Mac OS has long given you the ability to compress files as zip files. It's a simple matter of selecting the files, right clicking, and then choosing compress however many items you've selected. A compressed file's often smaller than the combined size of the files and gives you the advantage of being able to share just a single file with others, which they can then uncompress to access the individual files. Both Mac and Windows can natively uncompress zip files. But sometimes the information or files you're sharing may be sensitive or of a confidential nature, and you might want to protect the zip file from being opened by anyone who happens to come across a copy of it. Fortunately, Mac OS has the built in ability to create password protected zip files. However, this ability isn't available by right clicking your files. Instead it involves using the terminal utility, but it's still a fairly simple and easy…
