From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Convert text articles to podcasts

Convert text articles to podcasts

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Convert text articles to podcasts

- [Garrick] Hi, I'm Garrick Chow and welcome to Monday Productivity Pointers. These days, the sheer number of articles, papers, and other content we want or need to read can be overwhelming. Most of us don't have the time to read or keep up with the news or other information that's relevant to our work as much as we may like. So today I want to look at a Google Chrome extension called Podcastle AI, that uses text to speech to read content to you. What makes podcasts well different than other solutions like your operating systems text-to-speech feature, is that it uses more realistic sounding human speech, and it also makes it easy to download the audio content so you can take it with you on your mobile device to listen to in the car, or on a commute or while working out, just like you would a podcast. So start by going to a podcastle.AI in the Google Chrome web browser. This also works in Microsoft Edge since it's…
