From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Control which icons appear in the taskbar system tray in Windows and the menu bar in Mac OS

Control which icons appear in the taskbar system tray in Windows and the menu bar in Mac OS

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Control which icons appear in the taskbar system tray in Windows and the menu bar in Mac OS

- [Instructor] The system tray in Windows and the menu bar on macOS are places where you can see the clock and a bunch of other icons for shortcuts to settings for various applications and features on your computer. If the system tray or the menu bar has become too cluttered for you, I want to help you get it cleaned up in this week's Monday Productivity Pointers. We're going to start here in Windows, and I'm looking at this area down here in the bottom right corner. This area is called the system tray or sometimes referred to as the notification area. So this could get cluttered if you have too many icons there. So first, there's something built into the system tray to help you hide distracting icons. You see this little up arrow here? If I click on that, there are a bunch of icons here. So if there are any that you don't want to get rid of but you just don't want to see them, you can drag them over to that little arrow and let go, and now I don't see them in the system tray until I…
