From the course: iBooks Author Essential Training

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Importing ePubs

Importing ePubs

- Reflowable ePub documents, such as this one that I have open, can be imported into iBooks Author by going up to the File menu and choosing New from ePub File. Choose the document that you want to import. I'll choose the ePub that's in the Chapter 13 exercise files and go ahead and click Open. Then, select the template to import into. You'll need to do some experimentation to see which template will work best for your specific ePub. Let's begin our test by importing into the Blank portrait template. Make sure that both Preserve Paragraph Styles and Include Media and Graphics are both checked so that all of the media and all of the formatting from the ePub come into our new document. Then click the Choose button. After the import completes, take a quick inventory of what was imported and how it was formatted. Use the Command < key to zoom out so you can get a good view of the entire document. Every ePub is going to be different. We have good separation between our chapters and it…
