From the course: iBooks Author Essential Training

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Understanding widgets

Understanding widgets

- Perhaps the most exciting thing about iBooks Author is the ability to add interactive widgets into our iBooks. Now interactive widgets allow us to add all kinds of exciting interactivity into our book. In this movie, I want to take a few minutes and walk through all of the major types of widgets. Now adding a widget into your book is as easy as coming up to the widget menu, choosing the type of widget that you want to add, and then editing the content in the widget. Let's go ahead and preview the widgets file from the chapter ten folder and look at it on our iPad. Because then we'll get a better feeling for exactly what we can do with widgets. The first widget we want to take a look at is the image gallery widget. Now the image gallery widget's a great widget for very quickly and easily building a gallery of images. You can grab any widget and pinch to zoom it out to the maximum view, you can swipe from side to side to look at all of the individual images. You can even have custom…
