From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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Be alert

Be alert

- Suggestion number nine for generating ideas to really delight your customers is to be alert for service opportunities. Just always be looking for what can I do to really make them love me? So for example, if somebody's bought something heavy at a garden center, say the staff could say, "Would you like me to help you carry that to your car?" And if you see somebody struggling across the car park just run across and say, "Can I help you with that?" And another example might be, this is a real one I saw actually, somebody had left their window open at the airport carpark. So they had the window down. I think it was probably a hot day when they had arrived and they parked their car and they go on holiday for two weeks. And, of course, while they're away the weather had changed and it was tipping down with rain. And the guy who drives the bus to and from the car park had seen this car window open and he'd put a bag over…
