From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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Wrap up

Wrap up

- Congratulations, you've finished my epic customer service course. And when I was recording this, I was thinking, wow, 30 ways to come up with ideas to delight your customers. That is a lot. And it's not really designed for you to watch all 30 in one go. I mean, congratulations, respect if you did. But what I'm thinking, really, is that you would keep this course and you would refer back to it every now and then. You know, maybe you could look at one a day or one a week or even one a month, just to inspire you, to keep you thinking about what can I do that will delight my customers. And don't just watch it on your own once a month, but maybe with a few colleagues, you could just watch my little five-minute video and just say, "Okay, guys, how can we do what Chris was saying? What can we pull from that that we can really do?" And just keep working on it. Keep brainstorming ideas and keep trying to improve all the…
