From the course: Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions

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Why do passwords have to be so complex?

Why do passwords have to be so complex?

- Hey, I'm Yash, I'd like to login please. - Great, password? - Ilovepuppies43. - No. - Um, Ilovepuppies43, exclamation mark. - No, typically our passwords need to be 12 characters with one upper case, one number, and one special character. - Ihatepuppies43, exclamation mark. - No. (man sighs) - Long gone are the days of simple passwords. But, why do passwords have to be so complex? Computers have become so powerful, that cracking passwords requires way less of their overall computing power. And over the years, websites and companies have had data breaches. This results in password lists being widely circulated over the internet. These passwords have been examined and analyzed. Hackers know the most commonly used passwords. Oh, and they also know the alternate spelling of those words. - Okay, I got it this time. It's Ilovepuppies43, exclamation mark, but instead a s, use a dollar sign. I thought of that one all by myself. - Nope. (man sighs) - Security advice and standards for…
