From the course: Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions

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What do you do with an old computer or phone?

What do you do with an old computer or phone?

From the course: Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions

What do you do with an old computer or phone?

- Hey thanks again for giving me your old phone. - Sure. - Wait a minute, are these your old photos? Did you go to a polka convention? (laughs) It's alright, you look great in lederhosen. It's exciting to get a new computer or phone, but what do you do with an old device? Well first, make sure you log out of your accounts at the system level. That includes Google and Apple accounts. Especially if it's an iOS device. Make sure to logout of find my phone and iCloud. Next, make sure you have all of your data backed up. After that, you'll want to get rid of your old files, so just deleting the files isn't always enough. The data may still be on your phone or laptop. It's just that the instructions on how to find that data aren't as easy to get to. Think of an office building. Suite 502 has a bunch of sensitive files in it. When you delete data the normal way, you're just removing the room from the building directory. That room won't get cleaned out until your system needs to store…
