From the course: GitHub for Data Scientists

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Using GitHub for collaboration

Using GitHub for collaboration - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub for Data Scientists

Using GitHub for collaboration

- One of the most important skills to have as a data scientist is the ability to work together and collaborate with your peers. However, collaborating in the technical world can lead to challenges in tracking ideas and progress among your team. Solving this problem is one of the main ways GitHub is useful for data scientists. In this lesson, I'll teach you how to use GitHub to keep collaboration running smoothly in an increasingly complex technological landscape. First, no matter what kind of project you're working on, data scientists typically have to write and share code among multiple people working on the same project. GitHub is helpful for a data scientist because it allows you to have multiple versions of this code stored at once, which can be worked on by everyone on your team simultaneously. Think of it like a Google document for coding. It's also great as a backup storage. If something happens to your computer and…
