From the course: Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions

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Should I give my Wi-Fi password to houseguests?

Should I give my Wi-Fi password to houseguests?

From the course: Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions

Should I give my Wi-Fi password to houseguests?

- We've all been there. You have guests over, and that moment comes. - Hey, thanks for having me over. Can I get your Wi-Fi password? - That's actually a good question. Should I give my Wi-Fi password to houseguests? It's almost hard to pinpoint why you feel this way. You know these people. They aren't strangers, but you are smart to hesitate. You're not connecting the person to the Wi-Fi. You're connecting their devices, so it's not about whether you trust the person, but it's about whether you trust their devices, and we all know those people, the ones who will install anything on their computers. Some of these apps might contain viruses or other malware. They connect your home network. They might even infect other devices on your network or even gather information about your home network. Fortunately, your home Wi-Fi router has already thought of this problem and has a solution for you. Most routers allow you to log into them through a web browser and turn on a completely special…
