From the course: Web Video for Business: 2 Editing and Publishing

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Render and publish

Render and publish

- [Instructor] Once you've made all your video edits, mixed in the sound elements, and corrected the color, it's time to render it all together into a finished file. Rendering combines all of the video and audio elements into one finished file. And you can choose to make a high quality large sized file, or a lower quality and smaller sized file. And you get to choose your format. That platform where you'll be uploading your video, for example YouTube, has suggested formats to use. They recommend making an MP4 file, that has this AAC audio codec, and the video codec of H.264. Now this is a common file format that YouTube and plenty of other online platforms like. So just choose that format when you're saving and rendering in your video editing application. Let's take a look at Premiere, and see how to do that. So I have the whole sequence selected here, and if I go to File, Export, Media, we get the format right here in this drop-down. And it's already selected as H.264. But there are…
