From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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- My suggestion number 29 out of 30 is cater for varying types of customer. Customers are going to vary, so there's no one rule about what will delight a customer. And there are all sorts of models of personality and I quite like the Four Types of People Model, where you've got the quieter people, and the more talkative people, you've got the more fact-based people and the more emotional people and they all want to be treated differently. So the fact-based, fast people, they just want speed and I've already talked about speed earlier. How can you serve them quicker? So that's one type of customer. And you know when you get one of those, cause they ring up and they go, "Right, can you help me with this?" and you immediately know, this is a speed person. So how can you have systems to make it quicker for them? That's the first thing and speed in two ways actually, the interaction needs to be quicker, but also they need to…
