From the course: Cert Prep: Excel Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019

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Modify charts

Modify charts

- [Instructor] After we've created our charts, chances are we'll need to modify the information. After watching this video, you'll know how to add a data series to an existing chart and how to switch data between rows and columns. Let's jump right into our Modify workbook and take a look at our 2019 production information. We're currently just viewing the information for quarter one. I want to go ahead and add the data series for the other four quarters. Now, I can easily do this just by expanding this range, grabbing the handle and moving it over to the other side of quarter four, and now we're including all four quarters. I'm going to undo that and show you another way that you can go in and reselect the data. On your Chart Tools Design tab, under Select Data, we see the legend is currently quarter one and the horizontal axis labels, those are our products. If we want to add quarter two, for instance, I'll click Add. I can click in cell C2, and that way if the name on the column…
