From the course: Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions

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How do I maintain privacy on a shared computer?

How do I maintain privacy on a shared computer?

From the course: Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions

How do I maintain privacy on a shared computer?

- [Instructor] Sharing a computer with someone else is tough. - Hi. - It means giving up time and privacy. But how much privacy do you really have to give up? And does sharing a computer at home work the same way as sharing a computer in a public space like a library? How do I get privacy on a shared computer? Let's look at your options for sharing a computer or laptop at home. The easiest way is to set up a completely separate account for each person. This way, when you're done using the computer, you can log off your account, and the next person can log on. They can have child restrictions, different wallpaper, email accounts, and if you browse something on Amazon, their browsing experience won't be plastered with ads for that product. But you can't create a new account on a public work station, say, at a library. If you're worried about people next to you, you can always use a privacy screen which can stop prying eyes from wandering over to your screen. You should also go in with a…
