From the course: Dieter Rams: Principles of Good Design

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His beginnings at Braun and the Ulm School

His beginnings at Braun and the Ulm School

From the course: Dieter Rams: Principles of Good Design

His beginnings at Braun and the Ulm School

(Dieter speaking in foreign language) (upbeat ragtime music) (Dieter speaking in foreign language) (gentle flowing music) (Dieter speaking in foreign language) (Dieter chuckles) (Dieter speaking in foreign language) - There was huge change going on. It was about rebuilding Germany. It was about rethinking who people were, what they were, how they were living. I think that's very much where he got this sort of much more social attitude to design. And a lot of that thinking came from Ulm. Ulm school was set up after the War in the '50s, the follower from Burghaus, even more kind of restrained and Puritan in a way, so functional and so reduced. - The Braun brothers connected with the Hochschule fur Gestaltun in Ulm. They were exploring possibilities through electrical objects in the home, electrical appliances in the home. And Rams came into that world bringing his experience into this new way in which electronic…
