From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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- Message number 23 for delighting your customers is can you have some fun? How can you make it fun? I've already mentioned the Italian restaurant where the guy sings along to Opera. So that's pretty good. I've got three other examples and one of them is Eddie Stobart is a transport company in the UK and they have these lorries on the motorways everywhere. And they have girls' names on the front of their trucks. I think originally Eddie Stobart probably named the first five trucks after his five daughters or something like that. Perhaps his wife and his four daughters, I don't know. But then they've carried on. So every truck's got a name and I don't know whether they use that at head office to keep a track of where all the trucks are. They probably don't, they probably just got number plates for that. But I love the way that there's a girl's name on the front of every Eddie Stobart truck. My kids, when they were…
