From the course: Cert Prep: Excel Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019

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Format text using UPPER(), LOWER() and LEN() functions

Format text using UPPER(), LOWER() and LEN() functions

- [Instructor] Have you ever had data in your workbook that was all lowercase and you needed it to be uppercase? If so, then these are the functions for you. In this video, we'll learn how to use the UPPER, LOWER, and LEN, which is the length of the characters in a cell. Let's jump right in to our Upper_Lower workbook and take a look, first, at UPPER. Our company names are all upper and lowercase, but to quickly change all of the text to uppercase, we can use this wonderful UPPER function. I'll click in C2 and type =UPPER, Tab, select B2, which is the text that I'd like to transform to uppercase, close my parentheses, and hit Enter. And that quickly, that data has been reformatted and is all in uppercase. Now, we can do the same if we want to take something from upper and lowercase, such as it is now in the B column, or to all lowercase. Now, what if we use the LOWER function to change everything that's in uppercase to lowercase? Let's click in D2 and type =LOWER, I'll Tab to step…
