From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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- We talked earlier about breaking the rules, and this one's a little bit similar, but not quite the same, which is flexibility. So how can you give your customers a bit of choice about how they do things, a bit more flexibility than they're expecting? So for example, when I'm dealing with my customers, they can phone me at the weekend if they want to. And I might be out and about, I might have to answer my mobile when I'm on a beach or whatever, but that's okay, that's fine. Maybe I won't answer, but at least they're welcome to phone me at the weekend, it's not a problem. Or they can phone me after 5:00 PM. So a bit of flexibility about when you deal with a person is one. I mentioned earlier on, I do love my bank, First Direct, and they are 24/7. So you can phone them at midnight. You can phone them on Saturday night, Sunday at 3:00 AM. They are always there. And that flexibility, I find that really useful. And obviously it costs them a little bit more to have somebody on all the…
