From the course: The Culture Code (Blinkist Summary)

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Establishing purpose

Establishing purpose

- [Narrator] Blink number six. Establishing a common sense of purpose is the secret to unlocking great group performance. If you've ever played or even just watched a team sport, like soccer or basketball, you'll know that the teams that regularly put in a great performance share a strong vision of how to play together and what they want to achieve. That's because a common sense of purpose is key to group performance. Let's pause for a second to define that. A sense of purpose is simply a set of beliefs and values underpinning people's actions. It's what shapes a group's identity and tells others what it stands for. Cooperative cultures can't do without it. A shared sense of purpose provides group members with a common stock of ideas and aligns their behavior. Because a shared sense of purpose is so important to group cohesion and performance, companies often try to create high-purpose environments. This is a way of…
