From the course: Web Video for Business: 2 Editing and Publishing

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Edit the footage

Edit the footage

- [Instructor] Aside from actually shooting the web series, editing the footage is probably the most daunting part of the process for newbies. Again, I highly recommend watching these courses on editing to help you with your thinking about the feel of your edits. These courses can give you a historical perspective as well as inform you about the editing styles and techniques that are commonly used. The steps of editing video include importing the clips into your editing application, arranging them on the timeline using the notes you took on the clips, creating a flow with the timing of the clips, and adding transitions between the clips. Now I'm going to open up Premier and show you a little bit about what our episode looks like in the actual editing application. Over here on the upper left we have our imported files. These are every piece of footage that we want to use in the episode. You can see all the clips put together Now each clip has been chopped to be exactly the right length…
