From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Don't tire out your portrait model

Don't tire out your portrait model

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Don't tire out your portrait model

(camera beeping) - Okay, I want totally square-on, no smile. Okay, chin down a little bit. Oh, that's actually nice, I like that. That's not what I was thinking of, I was thinking anger but this is working. Okay, that's not working. (laughs) You ask a lot of a model when you're shooting a portrait. You're putting them in this spot where they feel self-conscious, you're making them feel naked in all sorts of different ways and then if you're doing what I'm doing and trying to ask them to go to an emotional place, you're actually asking them to do something that's tiring. Something to really keep an eye on when you're working with a model for a while is to not use them up. You should quit before you're getting bad stuff from them. You should quit, really, when they're nailing it. Get what you need and then get out before you tire them out, for a couple of reasons. One, maybe you're shooting with them for several days.…
