From the course: Banish Your Inner Critic to Unleash Creativity

Discover your creativity

From the course: Banish Your Inner Critic to Unleash Creativity

Discover your creativity

- Did you know that in the Tibetan language there's actually no word for "creative?" The closest word for "creative" in this language is the word "natural." Within this culture, creativity is so akin to one's essence that there's no individual word for it. I believe that they are onto something. Creativity shouldn't be, or even more accurately, isn't about trying to be creative. Creativity is not about trying or exerting effort. The reality is that creativity is simply about being who you are. We don't have to try to be creative because it's our natural state. By the way, don't confuse creativity with art. So many people believe that they're not creative because they aren't visual artists or writers, dancers or musicians. This is such a narrow view of creativity. The truth of the matter is this: Creativity is about bringing something new into being. This mean that people who are technical, analytical, and scientific are creative. People who are talented at business or sales are creative. People who work with finances are creative. People who work with people are creative. We are all creative. Creativity is so inherent in us that our job is merely to accept that it's there. It's like our ability to breathe. What we do need to do however, is to recognize how we are creative and then to put effort into developing our natural gifts and talents. Here's a tip on how to find where and how you're creative: By recognizing where you lose time. Think about these things. What can you do for hours and it feels like time is flying by? What do you like thinking about and finding out about? What brings you joy? What comes easily to you and feels effortless? Imagine in your mind's eye the activities that you have done where most or all of those items I listed were present. My friend, you are now on the path to discovering how you are creative.
