From the course: Lightroom: Developing Raw and DNG Files

Create a preset - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Developing Raw and DNG Files

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Create a preset

- [Instructor] As you work with images, you may find that you want to save time a bit. This is quite possible. For example, in this case, I like this image. Let's just finish it off by making a few small changes. I'll set the camera profile to portrait, which I like and just recover the highlights a little bit more. Additionally, let's come down here to color and we'll put just a little more lift into vibrance. And then from the effects category, we'll increase the vignette just a little. All right. Now that we have a look for this image, I want to save it. Click on the presets panel to open this up. Now, you'll see different categories of presets available. I also have a lot of third party presets loaded. What I can do is click on the three dots here and choose Create preset. This allows me to give us a new setting. Now, my suggestion is you either put this in your user presets, or make a new group. I'll just put this in user presets for now. I'll give it a name. I'll call this Outdoor Portrait. And then I can look at what's being applied. You'll see by default, the individual settings, and if you scroll this down, this gives you an opportunity to decide what's included. If there's a particular effect you don't want, you can uncheck it for example. Now, in this case, I'm pretty happy with this. But under optics here, I'm going to tell it to remove lens correction. So I can make that on a case by case basis. And now I'll click Save. The preset is added into my user presets folder. And if I scroll that down, I can see it there that makes it easy to work. Remember, when you want to apply a preset, just click to switch. You can also go ahead and then click on the one we just created to switch back and you see how easy they are to work. Making presets is a good time saver, particularly if you have a lot of images that are similar, or regularly shoot photos under similar conditions like events or concerts. Let's go ahead and take a look at a more advanced option, those Adobe profiles again, and I'll show you how to load custom ones.
