From the course: GitHub for Data Scientists

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Common GitHub terminology

Common GitHub terminology - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub for Data Scientists

Common GitHub terminology

- I always have a tough time keeping up with the latest words and jargon used in the tech field, as new technologies fade in and out. It can be difficult to understand what a platform accomplishes if it is explained in terms that don't even make sense to you. Like many other technologies, GitHub has many words and phrases that are unique to its platform. In this lesson, I will review some common definitions used in the world of version control and GitHub. One of the first things you will need to do when working with GitHub is create a repository. A repository, or repo, is a storage unit, like a folder, which holds all files belonging to that project as well as different project versions and revision history. Cloning a repository refers to copying a version of the code in that repository on the GitHub servers onto your local machine. This is useful so that you can make edits to the code locally, without them necessarily…
