From the course: GitHub for Data Scientists

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Cloning a repository in GitHub

Cloning a repository in GitHub - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub for Data Scientists

Cloning a repository in GitHub

- [Instructor] Once you or a teammate has created a repository in GitHub, you will need to clone down a version of that repository to your local machine. Remember, clone means to copy a version of the repository from the remote GitHub servers to your local computer so that you can edit the files without affecting the live version of the code online. To clone a repository in GitHub, navigate to the repository on GitHub. Click on the green code button and click the copy button next to where it says, "Clone with https." You can alternatively clone with SSH, but if you're using the internet and cloning to your local machine, you will most often want to use https. The S in https is important because it means that you're cloning down a secure repository from a secure server. To verify that you've copied the correct code, make sure it starts with https://github. Once you've copied onto your clipboard, you'll open up your…
