From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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- One of the biggest obstacles that stands between you and a good photograph is your own brain. I'm talking about the goo between your ears, that goo that talks to you and whispers to you and says things to you that sap your confidence and derail your creative process. From time to time here at The Practicing Photographer, I like to tell you about my own mental obstacles in photography because I have, on occasion, figured out ways to get out from under them, and as far as I know, other people face these same issues, issues like the one I want to talk about today, which you may have experienced from the moment you raise your camera up to your eye. That's where I get it. I'm framing a shot. I've had this idea, I'm looking at it, I see it all there in that rectangle, and my brain says, (laughs) "That's a cliche," or a variation of that. Maybe it's, "Oh, wow, a lot of people have taken this photo," or, "A lot of…
