From the course: GitHub for Data Scientists

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Branching in GitHub

Branching in GitHub

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we will learn about branches in GitHub. Branches are different versions of the code that live within the repository so that you can test out different things and create new features without it interfering with the main or production version of your code. When using Git for source control, you must pick one branch of code to be working on at a time. You can switch between branches to see what different branches of code exist in your repository. We will now review how to create a branch and how to switch between existing branches. To create a new branch, click on the button in the left-hand corner with the branch icon that says the name of the current branch you are on. You can now either search for a new branch or create a new branch. To create a new branch, type the name of the branch that you want to create. I'll name mine test_feature. Then click Create branch test_feature from master.…
